Call for Entries

From Benita of Detroit, I received the following e-mail message:

I have been thinking of crafting myself a little ear trumpet pendant and decoupaging it like your wonderful friendly walker. If I borrow some of your forthrightness and charm, maybe folks won't think that I am rude or stupid or flat out ignoring them if I mishear or don't hear them at all. Bringing my disability into the "visible" realm might be just the ticket!

What if persons all over the world brought their disabilities and the devices they require into the "visible" realm Benita invokes? What if we dared turn necessity into style?

I recently met a young man--I say "young" because it's coming to the time where most everyone I meet seems young--in my neighborhood deli here in San Francisco. His face lit up when he saw windchime walker, and he said, "You know, I've thought about decorating a walker to look like a Harley-Davidson motorcycle! You know, big handlebars to grab and all. My friends say I probably won't have the energy to do it if I wait till I actually need it, so maybe I'll just go ahead and do it now!"

And so I send out a call for adaptive art entries to all persons--able bodied forward thinkers like my new friend in the deli, differently abled folks who already use adaptive equipment, those whose family or friends should use devices but hate the look of them, and anyone who works with elders and/or disabled persons. Let your imaginations run free, your creative juices bubble up, your child-spirit pick wonderfully silly or stunningly beautiful materials...and go ahead and play! I'd love to see what happens, so please email me with stories, pictures, ideas or questions.

When I get enough entries, I'll put up a special page called the Adaptive Art Exhibit. Remember, we've only wished our canes/walkers/wheelchairs/hearing aids were invisible because we didn't realize they had the potential to become the latest rage in the art world! As a friend once said to me, "You know, when I'm around you I feel walker-deprived!"

©1999-2000 Patricia Lay-Dorsey. Please use with attribution.

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